The Mangiaraga Family Comes to Visit - Oct. 1st, 2017
Renee & I were working in the schoolhouse with the door & windows wide open. From outside we heard what sounded like birds chirping at each other as if playing. I went to the door and was surprised to see almost a dozen kids walking up the road.
I waved them in. They were visiting a relative on Bollinger and the kids - 9 in total - wanted to "visit" Otto & Gertrude. They didn't know these names that we had given to the wood figures by the Girl's Outhouse on the edge of the woods. When they saw people were in the building they were upset that they wouldn't be able to visit the wood figures. So of course they were thrilled to be waved in.
Their mom Desiree explained all of this to us and told us that her kids were all home schooled. The kids had so much fun exploring our schoolhouse. They were surprised that we encouraged them to touch whatever they wanted and even to go in the drawers.
The kids pleaded with their mom to teach them in the school, but mom of course had to decline - this was just a brief visit. But they have an invitation to come back anytime they like to use the school.