- Eldred Township Roads -
Sitting at a Supervisor's Meeting I heard a discussion about truck traffic hauling NYC construction debris to a landfill west of Eldred. While the debris will not end up in Eldred, the trucks will pass through.
Discussion explained how we had little control over State & County roads, but we did have much more say about our Township Roads.
This led me to want to know which roads are Township roads. The following is my "playful" analysis. I welcome your comments.

1860 land survey map

From the Times News Nov 2017 - Eldred Township roadmaster Keith Kuehner has been busy the past few months compiling road studies and suggesting new speed limits for some of the township roads.
The supervisors have been listening to many of the residents who say the speed limits set decades ago
don’t reflect the amount of travel the roads receive today.
Kuehner reviewed the findings of his study for the supervisors and made the following
suggested changes from the 55 mph speed limit.
Turkey Hill Road — speed limit 35 mph
Kuehner Road — speed limit 40 mph
Borger Road — speed limit from Silver Springs Boulevard to Church Road, 40 mph.
Church Road to Fiddletown Road, 25 mph.
Kunkletown Road to Grove Road — speed limit 25 mph.
Kuehner is still working on parts of Church Road.
The supervisors agreed to advertise an ordinance revising the speed limits.
A public meeting will be held before the board’s meeting in December.