Earth Day Clean-Up
& Celebration of Community
Dear Neighbors:
The Historic Church Road One-Room Schoolhouse,
in cooperation with Eldred Township,
is celebrating the 48th annual Earth Day
with a clean-up of Church Road on Sunday April 22nd.
This is a registered "PennDot Great American Clean-up in Pa" event
We hope you will join us,
at the 1855 One-Room School at 11:30am
(you can come later if you like).
We will provide a plastic trash bag & latex gloves.
You can clean any part of the road that you like.
(You may want to clean-up closer to your home
on your way to the school
& join us for refreshments, conversation
and a look at the exhibits in the school
when you drop the bag of collected trash off with us).
We only ask about 20 minutes of clean-up
(in fact, if you don’t feel up to it, just join us at the school to celebrate community involvement and chat with neighbors).
Our aim is to collect beverage containers & fast food packaging,
thrown from cars.
Trash seems to attract more trash
- so getting the few bits off the road now
will help to extinguish this bad behavior.
Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather that day
and if possible
dress in light-colored clothes for safety purposes.
When Participating in any Roadside Clean-Up, We Wish to Remind You:
1. always stay alert and face the direction of traffic
2. stay in the off-road area
3. when you are crossing the road be in a straight line of vision with traffic
4. be aware, drivers do not expect to see people along the road,
you will be a distraction, do not make abrupt moves
5. do not work on both sides of the road at the same time
FOR MORE INFO CALL: (917) 582-7010