- Living Archives -
The Story of Eldred Township as Told by its People

History is usually taught with dates and major events. Rarely does history "talk" about "our" everyday lives. Our "Living Archives" program is meant to preserve the memories of everyday life in Eldred - OUR lives.
Each of us have memories that are important for future generations to hear. And once we are gone, so are these memories - unless we preserve them NOW.
Our Living Archives will serve the purpose of telling the story of the folks who made Eldred the town it is today. And at the same time,
show our appreciation for their effort and help us
to live better lives having this information
to help guide us as we create our own memories.
Our Living Archives include a video tape of our conversation (available for you to view at the Frantz One-Room School). But below are links to a running transcription of each interview.
Often, "hearing" others tell stories reminds us of our own distant memories. So feel free to contact us and share your memories. Your memories may differ and that is fine, many times we can view the same event and walk away with an entirely different point of view - we would love for you to share that with us.
Also, if you have any old photos, or printed materials like birth certificates, report cards, newspaper clippings - please consider letting us "scan" them into a permanent digital format. It takes less than 2 minutes and no damage is done to your original - and we will then have a copy
to keep for future generations to enjoy.
We apologize for any mistakes and ask for your kind assistance in making the record right. Also, we would be indebted to you, if you would allow us to interview you and post your remembrances. Without folks stepping forward this information will be lost. Thank you, Tony & Renee Giordano